Przemysław Frasunek

Przemysław Frasunek (also known as venglin, born May 6, 1983) is a "white hat" hacker and computer security expert from Poland. He has been a frequent Bugtraq poster since late in the 1990s,[1] noted for one of the first published successful software exploits for the format string bug class of attacks,[2][3] just after the first exploit of the person using nickname tf8.[4][5] Until that time the vulnerability was thought harmless.

Reported Bugs

Notable vulnerabilities credited to Przemysław Frasunek:

External links


  1. ^ WWW page on Frasunek's security research
  2. ^ Software exploit for the WU-FTPD format string vulnerability
  3. ^ Software vulnerabilities' descriptions at
  4. ^ tf8's version of the wu-ftpd 2.6.0 exploit
  5. ^ scut / team-teso Exploiting Format String Vulnerabilities v1.2 September 9, 2001
  6. ^ Buffer Overflow & Format Strings - Seminar on Computer Security
  7. ^ NTP vulnerability, Cisco
  8. ^ Vulnerabilities database, Securityfocus
  9. ^ Secunia Advisory on Sun Solaris 8/9/10 vulnerability